Now using Eye Guide Technology to Assist Concussion Diagnosis + Management

Williamstown Health and Lifestyle is proud to announce that we are now utilizing Eye Guide technology to assist in the diagnosis of concussion. This state-of-the-art technology is helping us to better identify and assess the impact of head injuries on our patients.

Concussions are a common injury that can have serious long-term effects if not diagnosed and treated properly. The Eye Guide technology allows us to accurately measure eye movement and assess the function of the brain in response to visual stimuli. This information helps us to identify and monitor changes in brain function that can occur as a result of concussion.

The Eye Guide technology is non-invasive, safe, and can be used for patients of all ages. It provides objective data that can be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools to improve the accuracy of concussion diagnosis and management.

At Williamstown Health and Lifestyle, we are committed to providing the highest quality care to our patients. By utilizing the latest in technology and techniques, we are able to offer comprehensive diagnostic and treatment options for head injuries. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to helping patients recover from concussions and get back to their daily lives as quickly and safely as possible.

To book a baseline concussion test that will allow you to more accurately assess your brain health should you suffer an injury, click here. 

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